
Session Details

eventAugust 12
schedule9:15 am - 9:15 am
location_on Room 2

Get the Confused Buyer to Say Yes

Time after time, demand generation comes from brands, agencies, and partners who create leads that often do not align with real sales goals; KPI's; and other messaging and advertising efforts driven by siloed internal teams, external agencies, sales and call center teams. And, consumers have too little time, too little attention span, and too many other choices competing for their attention and dollars. Many of today's buyers are confused, which leads to lower conversion rates or simply pushing the customer away to another seller. This session will share how you can create clarity and activate more impactful demand generation efforts. After this session, you’ll be able to:

  • Produce effective lead generation tactics across all channels that lead to a higher lift in leads and sales as well as a clearer customer experience
  • Understand the real customer journey across all of the noise and touch points that customers see from ad to conversion point
  • Realign internal teams and external agencies to change the way leads are generated and measured
Marketing Strategy