Session Details
May 23
11:00 am - 11:00 am
Room 1
Bloody Hell! And Other Marketing Truths My British Mum Taught Me
Look at all the research you're encountering around you. Whether it's coming from your own sources of customer feedback or third-party research firms, there is one thing that customers care about and that is their experience. And too often than not, we are failing to meet our customers' basic expectations. Perhaps even worse, we continue to look at new channels or platforms as bright shiny objects that we layer onto already terrible experiences. We often also forget that every time an organization delivers a superior experience, customers expect that experience or better.
Enter Georgina Jane Barber, aka my Mum.
There are three things you should know about my Mum: 1) She is a brash British woman, 2) she believes she is always right, and 3) if she isn't happy about something, then the world knows about it. It's for all of these reasons that over the last 35 years she has provided many of the greatest lessons us marketers, designers, and strategists can use each and every day within our organizations.
After this session, you'll be able to:
- Understand why we have to be more keenly focused than ever on customer experience and retention
- Appreciate that we are often underserving our customer's expectation of their experience
- Learn a framework that will help ensure your products and services are more tuned to your customer's needs and experience
- Enjoy many of the equally amazing, applicable, and ridiculous lessons my British Mother taught me and how they apply to thinking through customer experience
Marketing Strategy