
Session Details

eventAugust 10
schedule1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
location_on Stage 3

What’s Your Castle-Courtyard? Best Practices for Cultivating Umbrella Brands

As the pace of acquisitions and consolidation accelerates, most marketers find themselves facing the challenge of marketing an umbrella brand and sub-brands effectively. How do you allocate resources? How do the brands fit together (or not)? How do you measure success? In this session, Shutterstock’s Jennifer Braunschweiger will let marketers in on a new construct—the Castle-Courtyard - which will help you steer clear of  ""logo soup"" and set you up for success when marketing umbrella brands.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

  • Navigate the world of marketing consolidation and how to be an effective and inclusive leader
  • Implement the correct strategies to align with the values of affiliated sub-brands while maintaining the accurate brand choice
  • Utilize the Castle-Courtyard method and make it the correct fit for your company