
Session Details

eventAugust 6
schedule9:15 am - 9:15 am
location_on Room 3

The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Gaming, AR & NFTs

The world is entering into the largest creative revolution since the Internet went mainstream and the pandemic just hit fast-forward. Modern marketers know the value of the front edges of technology but separating the helpful from the hype can be a risky business. Joe Cox with The Pop-Marketer will guide you on an eye-opening journey of three technology on-ramps into the oncoming Metaverse. Offering tips & examples of how you can prepare for the oncoming Metaverse today, without losing your shorts and firmly answering the ever-popular question of, “what’s next?” After this session, you’ll be able to:
  • Discover specific ways marketers can join in on the fun of the gaming future
  • Apply examples & tips to take advantage of AR experiences before Apple Glass gets here
  • Understand the marketing value of NFTs and what action steps to take in this space
Marketing Strategy