
Session Details

eventAugust 6
schedule11:45 am - 11:45 am
location_on Room 3

From Dry to Digestible: Make Any Content Topic Relevant to Your Audience

We usually know if we like a new show on television within the first few minutes. We can easily change the channel or move onto another option, which means that getting the audience hooked from the start is essential. And the same goes for digital storytelling. Are you burying the lead? Are you using the right angle to hook your reader? This session will explain strategies for connecting with your audience in authentic and relevant ways while driving toward internal goals like attendance, engagement, and revenue. After this session, you’ll be able to:
  • Identify the hook that will lead your audience to your content
  • Drive website traffic through effective storytelling
  • Develop evergreen content that can be repurposed and reshared in efficient/strategic ways
Who should attend? This session is for content creators who may be looking for strategic ways to create content while driving results.
Marketing Strategy