
Session Details

eventAugust 14
schedule8:30 am - 12:30 pm
location_on Room 1

Move Prospects Through the Customer Journey With a Solid Content and Digital Marketing Strategy

Two things will help make you successful with your digital marketing; a well-defined customer journey and a strategy that moves your prospects through each stage of the journey. Yet study after study indicate that most organizations do not have a documented content or digital marketing strategy or a well-defined customer journey. There is a strong correlation between not having a written strategy and failing at digital marketing. And, not aligning that strategy with your customer journey leaves a lot of opportunity on the table. This workshop will hone in on the importance of the Customer Journey – Awareness, Consideration, Decision and Advocacy. And, walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a strategy, based on that customer journey, for your organization. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
  • Create ‘your’ customer journey and gain the ROI benefits of mapping that journey
  • Understand why it’s vital to create content that resonates with your audience at different stages of the customer journey
  • Strategize, ideate and create user-focused content infused with SEO best practices that beat the competition in search and beyond
  • Know where, when and how to promote your content in a way that encourages engagement and moves your prospects through the customer journey
  • Build an audience that you own, not rent, and the prove the value it creates for your organization
  • Evaluate your return on investment (ROI) for your digital marketing efforts
You will leave this workshop well on your way to creating an effective digital marketing strategy. You’ll be given the tools and references you need to complete the provided interactive workbook which will continue to guide you through your ongoing efforts well after you get back to the office.
Marketing Strategy