Crossing The Sonic Color Line: Best Practices for Sonic Diversity
Steve Keller, SiriusXM
Diversity in digital marketing shouldn’t be limited to what consumers see. It should be represented in what they hear, too. In a world where screenless devices are growing exponentially, audio-only and audio-first communications are becoming an increasingly prominent form of digital advertising. While brands and advertisers work to avoid visual symbols and language that can perpetuate racism, there are sonic markers that are just as powerful in defining how we hear (and represent) the world around us. These are sonic color lines: invisible but pervasive barriers that can impact our marketing and messaging decisions, particularly when it comes to the voices we hear representing our brands.
In this thought-provoking presentation, Steve Keller (Sonic Strategy Director | Studio Resonate | SXM Media) makes the case that practicing sonic diversity isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s sound business practice, too. He’ll share best practices, based on ground breaking new research, that can help you cross the sonic color line, improve your ad favorability and effectiveness, and strengthen your brand connections with diverse audiences.