
Session Details

eventJuly 31
schedule11:45 am - 11:45 am
location_on Room 2

Architecting Information: Building Sustainable Digital Experiences

The goal of a successful website is the same: help users find information and complete tasks in the most efficient way possible. Information architecture (IA) is the critical foundation that must be built in order to achieve that goal, and this is done by classifying and structuring content in a cohesive and sustainable way, both on-site and within backend technical frameworks. In order to accomplish this, we first must understand what the pieces of the puzzle are, their functions, and how they relate to one another. After this session, you’ll be able to:
  • Apply the industry standards for creating, storing, accessing and presenting information in a successful and sustainable way
  • Define the information ecology of your website by analyzing and visualizing the interdependency of context, content and users
  • Categorize and structure information to inform a cohesive content strategy and user experience
  • Understand how users browse and navigate through information to optimize for a more sound site infrastructure
Marketing Strategy