
Session Details

eventAugust 10
schedule11:00 am - 11:30 am
location_on Stage 1

Take Risks and Stand Out on Social

Gone are the days of friendly competition when it comes to the social media. All's fair in love & TikTok! Real time commentary in every corner of your market will help you win your audience's attention and create a loyal following that will convert.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify simple starting points on how to create memorable social moments
  • Create targeted videos for the specific intention of sparking conversation
  • Define your conversational personality in order to maximize fast growth
  • Recognize holes in your competitions conversation in order to capitalize on their moments

Who should attend? This session is for digital marketers and content creation managers looking to gain an edge on their competition on video based social media outlets.

Social Media & Influencer