
Session Details

eventAugust 15
schedule9:15 am - 9:15 am
location_on Room 3

Up the Ladder, Down the Chain, Full-Funnel Attribution To Keep Your Boss Sane

The majority of marketers can’t attribute value to each channel or touchpoint in the consumer journey. As a result, they can’t communicate to management that they are effectively utilizing budget to maximize revenue potential. We will help you get started in identifying full funnel attribution for optimal success. After this session you’ll be able to:
  • Ensure your website and campaigns are set up for proper attribution/measurement
  • Identify and prove the value of top of funnel campaigns that feed low funnel conversions
  • Master the various attribution models and implement the best one for your business
  • Understand and communicate full-funnel attribution to management
  • Optimize your budgets accordingly and justify your budget increase for next year
Data & Analytics
Marketing Strategy