
Session Details

eventAugust 15
schedule11:00 am - 11:00 am
location_on Room 3

Becoming a Renaissance Marketer with the Help of Agile Marketing

For some marketers, the uncertainty of digital marketing can be so scary that it causes them to freeze up and stay in their comfort zone.  For another group of marketers, they aren’t even aware of the change that is coming due to a lack of interest in the profession and continued education.  Then there is a group of marketers that are ready to embrace change to adapt to what will come out of the ashes to build an audience and drive business opportunities.  These adaptive marketers are the ones I have labeled the Renaissance Marketers.  Jeff will cover several types of marketing approaches and content types that are growing in popularity and will disrupt the traditional assembly line driven, text-heavy approaches most of us have used since the advent of the Internet. After this session, you'll be able to:
  • Understand how your team can use Agile Marketing
  • Walk through a series of progressive content types and a timeline of change based on trends to understand the landscape of digital marketing
  • Formulate a set of tools to help your team adapt to the changes in digital marketing
Marketing Strategy