Session Details
July 16
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Room 1
Integrated Advanced Social Media Marketing
Building and maintaining an effective social media presence for your brand or organization can seem like a 24/7 job for an entire army of people. But today even mega brands are often forced to do more with less. With limited budgets and constantly changing platforms, the job of a social media marketer can seem like mission impossible. Whether your team is big or small, B2B or B2C, join this day long workshop to learn advanced strategies and tactics that focus effort on business goals.
You’ll receive an online interactive workbook to use during the workshop which will allow you to walk through exercises and customize the information and insights you learn to your company or brand. It has been designed to take it back to the office and begin implementing immediately.
In this full day workshop, we will cover topics including:
- Auditing Your Current Social State of Affairs: Learn how to quickly and quantifiably evaluate existing organic and paid social media marketing activities and determine how to best adjust budget and recourses for more business benefit
- Setting Social Strategy: Learn to identify goals, avoid shiny object syndrome, and focus on driving meaningful impact for your organization
- Purposeful Content Distribution: Learn how to work with Content, Search, and PPC to leverage and package content created for various purposes and put them in front of the right audiences at the right time. - We will dig deep into understanding audience/customer/influencer personas and how they are translated into paid audience targeting. - We will also delve into how to use creative elements to package content for the various social channels.
- Measuring Impact: Close the marketing feedback loop. Learn how to measure advertising spend, user engagement, and how social traffic impacts other aspects of digital marketing
- Scaling Your Efforts: Identify the right tools for your team (or yourself!) to get organized, streamline your social media management processes, and boost results
- What’s Next: Identify future trends to help your brand or organization get and stay ahead of the curve